July 1, 2009

Dr. Keo On Deck. . . Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex.

MISTAKE #1 Refusing Oral Sex
Well, this may be contentious, but I'll say it anyway. Most women don't really understand how important oral sex is to men. It isn't some crazy ass male desire to make u feel crazy. Men love oral sex because the intimacy and trust of the act is signals your love. Oral sex is not just a sign of accepting his penis, but also signals to him your total acceptance of him as a man: in his mind this may be an act of the greatest possible intimacy.

MISTAKE #2 Boring
Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.

MISTAKE #3 Being Selfish
Sex is NOT just about us.

MISTAKE #4 Being Boring
Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.

MISTAKE #5 Expectations
Expecting him to undress you. You put a bra on almost every day. You know for a fact that getting them off isn't always easy. Help him out.

MISTAKE #6 The Bored Look
Getting that bored look on your face. Men are more visual than women. Give him something to look at. Get on top and arch your back a little bit. Move. Do something to indicate that you 1) are not dead and 2) didn't suffer a minor stroke rendering you unable to move.

MISTAKE #7 Acting Like He's A Mind Reader Or Giving Clues About What You Want
For example, if you want oral sex, ask him to go down on you. If you're embarrassed about it, use language which makes your meaning clear: "I'd like you to kiss my flower". Lol. And, though you may find it difficult, if he's working on bringing you to orgasm, he'll need feedback to make sure he carries on enthusiastically. Losing your self in your bliss and not saying anything will make him wonder if you're asleep, dead or uninterested, at which point he'll most likely stop.

MISTAKE #8 Being A Bitch When You Dont Get what You Want
If your kissing for a few minutes, and he wants to just get it on right then and their, and you get mad. Then you need to educate him about what you want. Men are much more quickly aroused than women. One great way to do this is to make sure you get an orgasm before you have intercourse. And you can always distract him with a spot of fellatio, or by licking him all over. As a woman you're likely to be more creative than he is, so maybe you can apply your creative skills to sex, and improve it for both of you!

MISTAKE #9 Bitching When He Suggests Something New

It’s natural to want to spice things up with a little variety. Just because your man wants to try something new doesn’t mean he’s unhappy with you or your sex life. In short: Don’t take it personal girl. If its something your not comfortable with let him know.

MISTAKE #10 Not Realizing That "WOMEN COME FIRST"
Men lose interest very rapidly after they have a orgasm. Like it or not, that's how they are biologically built (in fact they are programmed to sleep after sex) and unless they're especially sensitive, once they've come, they won't be much interested in your satisfaction. Make sure you get yours hunny. Lol.

MISTAKE #11 Being Negative About Your Body
This erases your chances of having a orgasm. When you start hiding your body during sex, or refusing to enjoy certain sexual positions because you fear what he might think of your body, he's likely to get TURNED OFF very quickly. DONT RIP OFF YOUR CLOTHES CUT THE LIGHTS OFF AND DODGE INTO THE BED. Do affirmation to yourself. Look and the mirror and scream I AM SEXY. The blow a kiss to yourself. Lol.

MISTAKE #12 Neat Freak
Changing the sheets immediately so you can get the other ones in the washer and then sanitizing everything your naked body might have possibly passed by is not the way to do it.

MISTAKE #13 Being Predictable
Refusing to take control. Its ok to crawl across a bed to him on all fours, push him down and crawl on top. It's not his responsibility to start things all the time.


Anonymous said...

The best post ever.

Devon said...

This is my first visit to your site and i found the topic that you discussed was done so in a mature, and informative manner. My favorite point you made was the 11th one as a reader it gave me a new understanding of the topic discussed, just wanted to give you a shout out and thumps up!

Ireland said...

Okay, I have a problem with #3. I don’t hold out in bed and I pleasure a man the way he deserves to be severel times a week if not several times a day. (I like sex, what can I say.) I expect it in return. I am not a friggin humping post for goodness sakes. If I don’t orgasm everytime single time than hey that’s okay. But if he never takes time on me and he is in it for himself and not worth my time at all. Lucky for me I have a husband that is not satisfied until I have gotten mine at least twice, but it has been as much as seven times in one night for me. Don’t sell yourselves short girls. Find a good one.

Having sex is like purchasing a ticket at Six Flags. I am there. I paid my fee. Now where is my damn ride? Preferably more than one. I didn’t go there to walk around the park and never get my thrill or entertain myself, aka masterbation. Give me my thrill or I will go to a different park. Simple as that.

Other than that this is a good article.

ZoeK said...

do a mens 1.

Anonymous said...

Nice post!!!

Mike said...

There are some women who just lie in bed and open their legs, and think that that’s all they need to do to keep a man happy. But other women know that men want a whole lot more than just a warm body to get inside.

Ayana said...

Which most of you just want to bust a _______ and leave

Mike said...

And what kinda of men is it that you are dating the must be ass holes or immature Ayana

Anonymous said...

i blame movies and tv for the issues in bed...men and women (when they are boys and girls) see sex on tv and think its sopposed to be hot and sweat and ur just sopposed to go at it hardcore. while that is one way to do it...its not the only way. real sex is you and ur partner in bed together, totally comfortable with each other, and having fun. talk, kiss, tickle....its alot of fun. but some people dont realize that so they go in, pull out, and think they're real men because they *****...meanwhile, virtually everything great about sex is lacking. I think it'd be great if they showed how sex really goes on more in movies. if they did that...people would be happier...with healthier sex lives :-D

fashion101 said...

When ever I see a sex-scene in a movie, it always confused me why they cover themselves with a sheet once they're done. I've come across this once r twice in my life. It really doesn't make much sense. You've just shared a rather intimate experience (one of the most intimate), and yet after wards you feel the urge to cover up.?.

Ayana said...

Mike i do date ass holes n im sick of men if i wasnt sane i'd date gurls. lolol